Romantic Valentine's Day Ideas that Don't Bust the Budget
What should it cost to show your special someone how much you care this Valentine’s Day? Not as much as you might think. Let’s face it, at this time of year, who has the money to go all out on a holiday like Valentine’s Day? Contrary to what big businesses want you to believe, it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. If your post-holiday money situation has left you looking for a payday loan instead of shopping for roses and chocolates, why not consider a “less is more” approach this Valentine’s Day? All you need is a little thoughtful planning and a willingness to let your heart shine through.
Go Back in Time
Think back to the moment when you and your partner met for the first time. Make an effort to relive that special time in your lives. Whether it was at work, at a party or even at the grocery store, try to take them back to that point and rekindle that spark that made you two fall in love in the first place. It’s a sweet gesture that won’t cost you a penny.
Ask Questions
How often do you and your significant other just sit and talk these days? We get so caught up in the stress of daily life that we often forget the importance of simple communication. Make some coffee and spark up a conversation with your partner. Ask questions about their previous Valentine’s Day experiences or anything else that comes to mind. You might be surprised to learn something new about each other that you haven’t before. Conversing is a wonderful way to bond and stay connected, so why not exercise a little bit of that this Valentine’s Day?
In the inspiring words of Ratatouille’s Chef Gusteau, “Anyone can cook!” Don’t believe it? Just take your time, stick to the basics and you can likely surprise yourself and your special someone with a special treat for Valentine’s dinner. Try out a recipe you find online and take the time to make dinner at home. To make it more fun, why not put on some tunes and cook something together? Dining at home is so much more comfortable, intimate and affordable than going out.
Give from the Heart, Not the Store
Don’t bother with buying gifts. Sure, flowers and chocolates are nice, but on a day like Valentine’s Day, it’s the thought that counts. Start the day off with breakfast in bed for your partner. Then, send them out for a few hours while you stay home and clean the house. Take out the trash, put away the laundry, clean the dishes and tidy up the bedroom. Maybe even top it off with a few lit candles.
Nothing sets the mood like a clean house, and you might get showered with kisses once they see what you’ve done with the place. If you absolutely must get them a gift, try making something nice for your partner. Print out some pictures of the two of you from your Facebook pages and make a collage of memories. Then, put it in a frame and wrap it up. You could also include a handmade card and add a little heartwarming note to go with it. You can’t go wrong with a gift that is straight from the heart.
Having a staycation is a thing nowadays. We all want a little vacation time, but aren’t necessarily able to afford the travel to make it happen. Valentine’s Day could be the perfect time for a staycation. Do some research, book a nearby hotel and plan out a day where the two of you can do all the things around town you never made time for before. Visit local landmarks, museums, downtown areas and parks to make a full day of it. With a little bit of planning, you could spend an entire day together simply enjoying time together without spending a ton of money in the process.
If you’re stuck paying off a payday loan or simply tapped out for Valentine’s Day, don’t worry. This romantic holiday can still be wonderful without being expensive - it’s all in how you plan it. As long as you make it special for both of you, that’s all that counts. There’s also a ton of other things you could do to make this Valentine’s Day fun and romantic. Come up with some ideas of your own and be sure to plan ahead. You know your partner better than anyone, so if there’s anybody who can make this day special for them without spending cash, it’s you.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.